The Digital in English Philology: Methods, Projects, Perspectives

Workshop at Anglistentag 2018
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
23. - 26. September 2018

Workshop date: Wednesday, 26. September 2018, 9:00 - 10:30 Uhr

Workshop organisers:
Sabine Bartsch, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Angelika Zirker, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Workshop description & call (now closed)

After a general round of discussion on the Digital Humanities as a method and subject matter at the Anglistentag 2016 in Hamburg followed up by a panel on “Digital Humanities and the Future of the University” and a section entitled "Digital Humanities: The Role of the Digital in English Philology" at the Anglistentag 2017 in Regensburg, we would like to take the opportunity of this year’s Anglistentag in Bonn to present “The Digital in English Philology: Methods, Projects, Perspectives.” We invite poster presentations and demos of existing projects in English philology (including linguistics, literary and cultural studies, as well as methodology and didactics “Fachdidaktik”). The projects will be allotted some physical space in an open format that allows everyone to explore them, the methods they use, and perspectives they offer. Our overall aim is to strengthen the “Anglistik” perspective in the Digital Humanities as well as to show what digital projects may offer to everyone concerned with English linguistics, literature and culture. The workshop's poster presentations and demo (see below) will be framed by a plenary discussion to give workshop participants an opportunity to exchange ideas and engage in a discussion of the ongoing digital developments in English philology.

Please send a short abstract (200-300 words) and – if exists - a link to the project website to Sabine Bartsch and Angelika Zirker.

Deadline: 29 July 2018 (call now closed)

Notification of participants: mid-August

Accepted contributions

Sabine Bartsch, Technische Universität Darmstadt
“ … a web of information for students and researchers in linguistics” (

Almut Breitenbach & Dorothea Schuller, SUB Göttingen
Fachrepositorium “The Stacks”

Simone Broders, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
“The Neural Wunderkammer: A Network Perspective on the History of Ideas”

Sven Leuckert, TU Dresden & Martin Leuckert, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
“LinguApp: An Android-based teaching app for linguistics” (

Johannes Molz, Universität Regensburg
“A Mixed Methods Study of Shakespearean Intertextuality – Limits and Possibilities of Digital Humanities”

Stefanie Pohle, Universität Bonn
“Language Matters! – A popular science blog for teenagers” (

Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, LMU München
“CompSpell – An interactive online tool for English compound spelling” (

Eckart Voigts, Katerina Marshfield, Maria Marcsek-Fuchs, Technische Universität Braunschweig
“HymM - Hypermodales Mashup-Lernen für einen handlungsorientierten forschenden Unterricht in den Kulturwissenschaften”

Angelika Zirker, HU Berlin & Matthias Bauer, Universität Tübingen
“TEASys: Explanatory Annotation in the Context of the Digital Humanities” (

  • anglistentag2018workshop-dh.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/05/18 23:20
  • by sabinebartsch